Officially out now: The TypeDB 3.0 Roadmap

Configuring servers

Configuration options

Learn how to configure a TypeDB server.

TypeDB config file documentation: config location, applying changes, cluster configuration, config example.

TypeDB command line arguments documentation: overriding config parameters and special commands.

Maintenance tasks

Learn about perform common maintenance tasks with TypeDB.

Gathering and storing logs configuration.

Exporting and importing schema and data of a database in TypeDB.

Upgrading TypeDB server’s version.

User management operations.

Host machine requirements

The minimum host machine configuration for running a single TypeDB database is 4 (v)CPUs, 10 GB memory, with SSD.

The recommended starting configuration is 8 (v)CPUs, 16 GB memory, and SSD. Bulk loading is scaled effectively by adding more CPU cores.

The following is the breakdown of TypeDB memory requirements:

  • The JVM memory: is configurable when booting the server with JAVAOPTS="-Xmx4g" typedb server. This gives the JVM 4 GB of memory. Defaults to 25% of system memory on most machines.

  • Storage layer baseline consumption: approximately 2 GB.

  • Storage layer caches: this is about 2x cache size per database. If the data and index caches sum up to 1 GB, the memory requirement is 2 GB in working memory.

  • Memory per CPU: approximately 0.5 GB additional per (v)CPU under a full load.

We can estimate the amount of memory the server will need to run a single database with the following equation:

required memory = JVM memory + 2 GB + (2 × configured db-caches in GB) + (0.5 GB × CPUs)

For example, on a 4 CPU machine, with the default 1 GB of per-database storage caches, and the JVM using 4 GB of RAM, the default requirement for memory would be: 4 GB + 2 GB + (2 × 1 GB) + (0.5 GB × 4) = 10 GB.

Each additional database will consume an additional amount at least equal to the cache requirements (in this example, an additional 2 GB of memory for each database).

Open file limit

To support large data volumes, it is important to check the open file limit the operating system imposes. Some Unix distributions default to 1024 open file descriptors. This can be checked with the following command:

ulimit -n

We recommend this is increased to at least 50 000.


TypeDB optionally reports anonymous diagnostics to guide the development and optimization of TypeDB. This data includes unexpected errors and occasional system status updates for number and size of databases, and number of transactions executed per hour.

To disable error and diagnostic reporting set the diagnostics.reporting.enabled to false in the config file:

    enable: false