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Config file

In this guide, you’ll see how to use a config file to configure TypeDB server.

File structure

TypeDB uses a config file with a specific YAML format. See the Config file for examples.

TypeDB config file usually has the following top level sections:

  • server

  • storage

  • log

  • diagnostics

  • vaticle-factory

For any change in TypeDB config file to take effect, restart the TypeDB server.

File location

TypeDB ships with a default configuration file. The location of this file varies based on how TypeDB has been installed.

For a manual download, find the configuration file in the server/conf directory inside the unzipped folder.

For Homebrew, check the following directory (replace the {version-number} placeholder with the exact version installed):


For APT, check the following directory:


Cluster configuration

Every server in a TypeDB Cloud cluster has its own config file that contains a list of known servers in the cluster. A server in a cluster will not accept connections from servers that are not on the list.

Changes to the server configuration require a server restart to take effect.

Config file example

Here is an example of TypeDB config file:


  data: server/data
    # configure storage-layer data and index cache per database
    # for large datasets, it is more important to have a large index cache than a large data cache
    data: 500mb
    index: 500mb

      type: stdout
      type: file
      base-dir: server/logs
      file-size-limit: 50mb
      archive-grouping: month
      archive-age-limit: 1 year
      archives-size-limit: 1gb

      level: warn
      output: [ stdout, file ]
      filter: com.vaticle.typedb.core
      level: info
      output: [ stdout, file ]
      filter: com.vaticle.typedb.core.database
      level: info # on 'debug' the server will periodically log database storage properties
      output: [ stdout, file ]
      enable: false
      type: reasoner-tracer
      output: file
      enable: false
      type: reasoner-perf-counters

    enable: true

  enable: false


The server section of the configuration file contains network and RPC options.

  • address: the address to listen for TypeDB Clients connections via gRPC.

    Use the IP address to listen to all connections and localhost for connections from the local machine.


The storage section of the configuration file contains the storage layer options.

  • data: the location to write user data to. Defaults to within the server distribution under server/data.

  • database-cache: per-database configuration for storage-level caching

    • data: cache for often-used data.

    • index: cache for data indexes.

For production use, it is recommended that the is set to a path outside of the $TYPEDB_HOME (directory with TypeDB server files). This helps to make the process of upgrading TypeDB easier.

If the index cache is too small relative to the dataset, we may find severely degraded performance. We recommend allocating at least 2% of a database size equivalent to the index cache. For example, with 100 GB of on-disk data in a database, allocate at least 2 GB of index cache. Allocating more can improve performance.

Additionally, we recommend the sum of data and index caches equal to about 20% of the total memory of the server.


See the Logs page.


TypeDB optionally reports anonymous diagnostics to guide the development and optimisation of TypeDB. This data includes unexpected errors and occasional system status updates for number and size of databases, and number of transactions executed per hour.

To disable error and diagnostic reporting set the diagnostics.reporting.enabled to false in the config file:

    enable: false