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Data instances

TypeQL data queries use pattern matching to manipulate data instances in a database.


A data instance can be inserted into a database only as an instance of a type from the schema of the database.

To retrieve data from a database with TypeQL, match it with a pattern in a match clause of a query. To match a data instance, we can use its type, as well as other information regarding this particular instance.

All data instances can be split into three major categories, that originate from different root types and differ in capabilities: attributes, entities, and relations.


An entity is a data instance of an entity type (any subtype of the entity root type). Entities represent independently existing objects in our data model. Entity types represent the classification of objects in our data model.

For example, an instance of the user type represents a single user. What is the difference between multiple instances of the same type? Since users are all entities of the same type and don’t have a value of their own, we can assign them with an ownership of an attribute, like a username. Now we can address every user by its property — the username it owns.


An attribute is a data instance of an attribute type. An attribute type represents some property, so an attribute represents a particular value of such property. There can’t be more than one attribute of the same type with the same value, so an attribute can be uniquely addressed by its type and value. The value of an attribute must be of the correct Value type that is set for its attribute type in the schema.

An attribute can be owned by another data instance if such an ability is defined for their respective types by the schema of a database. The same attribute can be owned by any number of data instances, unless there is a constraint in the schema in the form of annotation: unique or key. A data instance can own any number of attributes of the same type, as long as it’s not restricted by the key annotation.


A relation is a data instance of a relation type. Relation types represent potential relations between types, where other types play roles. Relations represent an existing connection, where each role should be played by at least one data instance.

The relation type determines the set of roles a relation has. A relation with a role without a roleplayer represents an incomplete data state. For any N-ary relation (a relation with N roles), we recommend to follow to the principle that the logical sense of the relation is maintained when considering N-1 relations contained within it.

Usage in an Insert query

Given the schema from the Types page example, let’s see a simple example of how to insert some data with an Insert query:

Inserting data example
insert $p isa person, has id 1, has full-name "Masako Holley", has email "";

Usage in a Fetch query

To retrieve this data, we can use a Fetch query to get a JSON with attributes values:

Fetching values example
$x isa person;
$x: id, full-name, email;

Note that the match clause matches all entities of the person type and the fetch clause then projects into a JSON values of attributes owned by every matched person.

The resulted JSON should look like this:

    "x": {
        "email": [ { "value": "", "type": { "label": "email", "root": "attribute", "value_type": "string" } } ],
        "full-name": [ { "value": "Masako Holley", "type": { "label": "full-name", "root": "attribute", "value_type": "string" } } ],
        "id": [ { "value": 1, "type": { "label": "id", "root": "attribute", "value_type": "long" } } ],
        "type": { "label": "person", "root": "entity" }