Officially out now: The TypeDB 3.0 Roadmap

TypeDB Core installation guide

TypeDB Core can be installed in several ways: using the Docker image, via a package manager, or by manual installation. For self-hosted TypeDB Cloud installation and setup, see the self-hosted deployment page.

Package manager

  • macOS

  • Linux

  • Windows

To install TypeDB via Homebrew:

brew tap typedb/tap
brew install typedb/tap/typedb
  1. Add the TypeDB repository:

    sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https gpg
    gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key 17507562824cfdcc
    gpg --export 17507562824cfdcc | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/typedb.gpg > /dev/null
    echo "deb trusty main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/typedb.list > /dev/null
    sudo apt update
  2. Ensure Java 11+ is installed:

    sudo apt install default-jre

    TypeDB supports OpenJDK and Oracle JDK.

  3. Install TypeDB:

    sudo apt install typedb

    If you had an older version (≤2.25.5) of TypeDB installed, you might first need to uninstall older packages to avoid conflicts:

    sudo apt remove typedb-server typedb-bin typedb-console

No package manager option is available for Windows. See the Manual install section below.


To start a locally installed TypeDB Core server:

typedb server

To stop a local TypeDB server, close the terminal where it runs or press Ctrl+C.


To pull the latest TypeDB Docker image:

docker pull vaticle/typedb:latest

You can replace latest with a version number to get a specific version of TypeDB Core. To check the list of available versions, see the Releases page.


To create a new Docker container with TypeDB Core server:

docker volume create typedb-data
docker create --name typedb -v typedb-data:/opt/typedb-all-linux-x86_64/server/data -p 1729:1729 --platform linux/amd64 vaticle/typedb:latest

Where typedb is the name of the container, and typedb-data is the name of the volume to persist data. The --platform linux/amd64 parameter is required to run the TypeDB container on macOS with the arm64 architecture.

To stop a running Docker container:

docker stop typedb

To start the created Docker container, or restart a stopped container:

docker start typedb

Manual install

Download the latest version of TypeDB from the table below.

Release notes macOS Linux Windows


x86_64 / arm64

x86_64 / arm64


For all versions, see the Packages page.

  • macOS

  • Linux

  • Windows

  1. Ensure Java 11+ is installed. TypeDB supports OpenJDK and Oracle JDK.

    To check the Java SDK version:

    /usr/libexec/java_home -V

    TypeDB runs natively on both arm64 and x86_64 architectures. For the best performance, make sure both TypeDB and Java SDK match your native architecture and are not using Rosetta.

  2. Extract the archive with TypeDB into a new directory:

    sudo mkdir /opt/typedb
    unzip ~/Downloads/<filename>.zip -d /opt/typedb

    Where <filename> is the name of the archive.

  3. Add a symlink to the TypeDB executable in the /usr/local/bin directory:

    ln -s /opt/typedb/<filename>/typedb /usr/local/bin/typedb
  1. Ensure Java 11+ is installed. TypeDB supports OpenJDK and Oracle JDK.

  2. Extract the archive with TypeDB into a new directory:

    mkdir /opt/typedb
    tar -xzf ~/Downloads/<filename>.tar.gz -C /opt/typedb

    Where <filename> is the name of the archive.

  3. Add a symlink to the TypeDB executable in the /usr/local/bin directory:

    ln -s /opt/typedb/<filename>/typedb /usr/local/bin/typedb
  1. Ensure Java 11+ is installed. TypeDB supports OpenJDK and Oracle JDK.

  2. Extract the archive with TypeDB into a new directory:

    mkdir "C:\Program Files\TypeDB"
    tar xvf "C:\Users\username\Downloads\<filename>.zip" -C "C:\Program Files\TypeDB"

    Where <filename> is the name of the archive.

  3. Update the PATH environment variable:

    setx /M PATH "%path%;C:\Program Files\TypeDB\<filename>"

Restart the terminal window for the changes to environment variables to take effect.


To start a locally installed TypeDB Core server:

typedb server

To stop a local TypeDB server, close the terminal where it runs or press Ctrl+C.

Learn more

Install an IDE that facilitates the development process for TypeDB.

Connect to TypeDB and create a simple sample database.

Learn about the basics of TypeDB.

Check out our dedicated learning course for TypeDB.