TypeDB 3.0 is live! Get started for free.

TypeDB Community Edition


Download and install

Download the latest distribution of TypeDB CE from the table below.

Release notes macOS Linux Windows


x86_64 / arm64

x86_64 / arm64


For all versions, see the Packages page.

Unzip the downloaded file in a location that is easily accessible from your terminal. The unzipped folder contains the typedb binary.


To start the server:

typedb server

To stop a local TypeDB server, close the terminal where it runs or press Ctrl+C.



To pull the latest TypeDB CE Docker image:

docker pull typedb/typedb:latest

You can replace latest with a version number to get a specific version of TypeDB CE. To check the list of available versions, see the Releases page.


To create a new Docker container with TypeDB CE server:

docker volume create typedb-data
docker create --name typedb -v typedb-data:/opt/typedb-all-linux-x86_64/server/data -p 1729:1729 --platform linux/amd64 typedb/typedb:latest

Where typedb is the name of the container, and typedb-data is the name of the volume to persist data. The --platform linux/amd64 parameter is required to run the TypeDB container on macOS with the arm64 architecture.

To start the created Docker container, or restart a stopped container:

docker start typedb

To stop a running Docker container:

docker stop typedb