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Start faster on TypeDB with new learning materials

The new quickstart video guide, crash course, and TypeDB Academy are now available.

Dr. James Whiteside

Over the past few months we’ve spent a lot of time building new learning material for TypeDB. With the release of the new quickstart video guide, all of these materials are now available! No matter where you are on your TypeDB journey, there’s something new for you to explore.

Quickstart Guide

If you’re just starting out with TypeDB and want to get querying as soon as possible, follow the quickstart guide to deploy a server, create a database, load sample data, and run some queries. The new and improved quickstart is available in both text and video format, so you can follow along the way that best works for you.

Crash Course

If you’d like to get a concise overview of the main aspects of TypeDB, check out the redesigned crash course, with three pathways available depending on your previous database experience. Catered to relational database users, graph database users, or users entirely new to databases, the crash course pathways teach you how to “think in TypeDB” and get to grips with TypeDB’s unique data model by starting from familar grounds.

TypeDB Academy

TypeDB Academy is the ultimate learning experience for TypeDB, TypeQL, and the TypeDB ecosystem. Previously released as the TypeDB Learning Course, the course material has been reorganised as TypeDB Academy, split into three modules: Fundamentals, Intermediate, and Advanced. Even if you are an experienced TypeDB user, you’re bound to find something new here.

The build-up to TypeDB 3.0

As TypeDB 3.0 grows steadily closer to completion, we’re constantly reassessing existing features to improve them and integrate them with the newly planned ones. When TypeDB 3.0 nears a stable release, we’ll be revisiting these learning materials to factor in the new TypeQL 3.0 syntax, and expand TypeDB Academy with newly written lessons.

In the meantime, you can get a preview of the 3.0 version features and syntax by checking out the roadmap post, and accompanying series of technical articles.

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The TypeDB 3.0 Roadmap

TypeDB 3.0 is a major milestone, delivering significant updates to the architecture, and capabilities based on our research and user feedback.

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An end-to-end learning experience for TypeDB and TypeQL. Learn how to read data, write data, and build schemas while taking advantage of TypeDB’s unique features as an entirely new kind of database.

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