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C# driver

The C# driver was developed by the TypeDB team to enable TypeDB support for C# software and developers.

The GitHub repository with the driver’s source code and release notes.

The NuGet package manager’s page about the driver’s package.


The driver is based on the cross-platform .NET 6 framework. For Linux: the minimum version of glibc is 2.25.0.

See the Version Compatibility table to check what versions of TypeDB and C# driver are compatible.

To install the TypeDB C# driver, Download the latest release of the driver and its Pinvoke runtime for your architecture (x86_64/arm64) and OS (Linux/macOS/Win). Here is an example from the .csproj file for macOS and x86_64:

<PackageReference Include="TypeDB.Driver" Version={VERSION} />
<PackageReference Include="TypeDB.Driver.Pinvoke.osx-x64" Version={VERSION} />

If you aim to build a platform-independent package, reference all the needed runtimes (it will affect the size of the application):

<PackageReference Include="TypeDB.Driver.Pinvoke.osx-x64" Version={VERSION} />
<PackageReference Include="TypeDB.Driver.Pinvoke.osx-arm64" Version={VERSION} />
<PackageReference Include="TypeDB.Driver.Pinvoke.linux-x64" Version={VERSION} />
<PackageReference Include="TypeDB.Driver.Pinvoke.linux-arm64" Version={VERSION} />
<PackageReference Include="TypeDB.Driver.Pinvoke.win-x64" Version={VERSION} />


See below a short example of C# code that connects to a local TypeDB server, creates a database named access-management-db, defines a schema, inserts some data, and then reads it.

using TypeDB.Driver;
using TypeDB.Driver.Api;
using TypeDB.Driver.Common;

class WelcomeToTypeDB
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string dbName = "access-management-db";
        string serverAddr = "";

            using (ITypeDBDriver driver = Drivers.CoreDriver(serverAddr))
                IDatabase database = driver.Databases.Get(dbName);

                // Example of one transaction for one session
                using (ITypeDBSession session = driver.Session(dbName, SessionType.Schema))
                    // Example of multiple queries for one transaction
                    using (ITypeDBTransaction transaction = session.Transaction(TransactionType.Write))
                        transaction.Query.Define("define person sub entity;").Resolve();

                        string longQuery = "define name sub attribute, value string; person owns name;";


                // Example of multiple transactions for one session
                using (ITypeDBSession session = driver.Session(dbName, SessionType.Data))
                    // Examples of one query for one transaction
                    using (ITypeDBTransaction transaction = session.Transaction(TransactionType.Write))
                        string query = "insert $p isa person, has name 'Alice';";
                        IEnumerable<IConceptMap> insertResults = transaction.Query.Insert(query);

                        Console.WriteLine($"Inserted with {insertResults.Count()} result(s)");


                    using (ITypeDBTransaction transaction = session.Transaction(TransactionType.Write))
                        IEnumerable<IConceptMap> insertResults =
                            transaction.Query.Insert("insert $p isa person, has name 'Bob';");

                        foreach (IConceptMap insertResult in insertResults)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Inserted: {insertResult}");

                        // transaction.Commit(); // Not committed

                    using (ITypeDBTransaction transaction = session.Transaction(TransactionType.Read))
                        IConceptMap[] matchResults =
                            transaction.Query.Get("match $p isa person, has name $n; get $n;").ToArray();

                        // Matches only Alice as Bob has not been committed
                        var resultName = matchResults[0].Get("n");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Found the first name: {resultName.AsAttribute().Value.AsString()}");

                        if (matchResults.Length > 1) // Will work only if the previous transaction is committed
                            Console.WriteLine($"Found the second name as concept: {matchResults[1]}");

        catch (TypeDBDriverException e)
            Console.WriteLine($"Caught TypeDB Driver Exception: {e}");
            // ...

For more information on methods used above and other capabilities, see the API reference link below.

Learn more

This tutorial will help you learn how to use the C# driver.

Driver API reference for the C# language.

Any questions about the driver after reading the documentation? Feel free to ask on our Discord community server.

Version Compatibility

C# driver TypeDB TypeDB Community Edition .NET


