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This page covers pagination of TypeQL query results.


Pagination in TypeQL queries makes it possible to return a range of results, rather than retrieving all results at once. By limiting the query to return the first x results, processing them, and then sending subsequent queries with an offset, incremented by x, you can iterate through the entire result set in manageable batches.

Sorting the results is strongly advised, but is not mandatory. Without sorting, the ordering of results is not guaranteed and can be unpredictable. Pagination relies on sorting to traverse the full set of results.

Offset the results

For this example, use a database with the IAM schema and sample data loaded.

Use the offset keyword followed by the number of results to skip.

Offset example
$p isa person, has full-name $n;
get $n;
sort $n;
offset 2;

The above example sorts the full-name attributes of all person entities in ascending order (as default), skips the first two results, and returns the rest of results.

Limit the number of results

For this example, use a database with the IAM schema and sample data loaded.

Use the limit keyword followed by the number of results to return.

Limit example
$p isa person, has full-name $n;
get $n;
limit 2;

The above example has no sort modifier, so it returns only two almost random names owned by entities of the person type.


For this example, use a database with the IAM schema and sample data loaded.

Combine offset and limit to paginate the results of a query. By knowing the limit amount, we can use offset to get the full set of results in batches. Make sure to also use sorting, as otherwise you can’t guarantee the continuity of results between queries.

Pagination example query 1
$p isa person, has full-name $n;
get $n;
sort $n;
limit 2;

The above query returns the first two results.

Pagination example query 2
$p isa person, has full-name $n;
get $n;
sort $n;
offset 2;
limit 2;

The second query returns the next two results (skips two and returns another two).

By continuing to increase the offset value by the limit value we can traverse the results. When we receive fewer results than set by the limit value, it should be a signal that we got all possible results.

Learn more

Learn about sorting results in TypeQL.

Learn about aggregation of query results in TypeQL.