Officially out now: The TypeDB 3.0 Roadmap

Lesson 5.1: Defining individual types

The Define query

In TypeDB, all databases have a schema that provides semantic integrity guarantees for inserted data and enables the resolution of polymorphic queries. A schema is created using Define queries, which are each composed of a single define clause. We’ll start with the syntax for defining entity types, then look at relation types and attribute types.

Defining entities

The following is an example of a Define query that defines four new entity types.

user sub entity;
contributor sub entity;
address sub entity;
promotion sub entity;

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Using a schema session and a write transaction, try running studio run this query on a newly created database. After running it, make sure to commit studio check the transaction. You should see the four new entity types appear in the type browser.

When used in a Define query, a sub statement defines a new type. The subject of each statement is the new type label, and the object is one of the three root types: entity, relation, or attribute, indicating which kind of type is being defined.

When sub statements are used in a Define query, they are data definition statements. This is in contrast to when used in other kinds of query, as we saw in Lesson 3.4, in which they are data manipulation statements. Define queries comprise only data definition statements, and so cannot contain any variables. The only permitted terms are keywords and type labels.


Write a query to define three new entity types: order, review, and publication.

Sample solution
order sub entity;
review sub entity;
publication sub entity;

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Defining relations

The syntax for defining new relation types is the same as that used to define entity types, but each relation type must be defined alongside at least one role. The following query defines three new relation types along with their roles.

rating sub relation,
    relates review,
    relates rated;
order-line sub relation,
    relates order,
    relates item;
publishing sub relation,
    relates publisher,
    relates published,
    relates publication;

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When used in a Define query, the relates keyword defines a new role for a relation type. This query defines the following relation types:

  • rating with roles rating:review and rating:rated.

  • order-line with roles order-line:order and order-line:item.

  • publishing with roles publishing:publisher, publishing:published, and publishing:publication.

In this case, rating and order-line are binary relation types, while publishing is a ternary relation type. There is no limit to the number of roles that can be defined for a relation type using the relates keyword.

TypeDB 2.x does not include syntax for specifying the cardinality of roles. When instantiating a relation, all roles can be played any number of times. Syntax for restricting role cardinalities will be included in TypeDB 3.0. To learn more about this and other powerful new features, see the TypeDB 3.0 roadmap.


Write a query to define three new relation types and their roles:

  • locating with roles locating:location and locating:located.

  • delivery with roles delivery:deliverer, delivery:delivered, and delivery:destination.

  • promotion-inclusion with roles promotion-inclusion:promotion and promotion-inclusion:item.

Sample solution
locating sub relation,
    relates location,
    relates located;
delivery sub relation,
    relates deliverer,
    relates delivered,
    relates destination;
promotion-inclusion sub relation,
    relates promotion,
    relates item;

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Once relation types and their roles have been defined, we can declare which types play roles.

review plays rating:review;
order plays order-line:order;
publication plays publishing:publication;
promotion plays promotion-inclusion:promotion;

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When used in a Define query, the plays keyword defines a new roleplayer for a relation’s role (i.e. a new implementer of a role interface).


Write a query to define five new roleplayers:

  • order playing delivery:delivered.

  • address playing delivery:destination.

  • address, user, and publication playing locating:located.

Sample solution
order plays delivery:delivered;
address plays delivery:destination,
    plays locating:located;
user plays locating:located;
publication plays locating:located;

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Defining attributes

Whereas relations must be defined with roles, attributes must be defined with value types. The following query defines five new attribute types.

verified sub attribute, value boolean;
quantity sub attribute, value long;
price sub attribute, value double;
name sub attribute, value string;
birth-date sub attribute, value datetime;

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When used in a Define query, the value keyword defines the value type of an attribute type. When the attribute type is later instantiated, its values must be of the specified value type. There are currently five value types in TypeDB:

  • boolean — Represented by literals true and false.

  • long — 64-bit signed integer.

  • double — 64-bit floating-point number.

  • string — Variable length UTF-8 encoded string up to 64 kB, enclosed in single or double quotes.

  • datetime — Millisecond-precision timestamp without timezone.

    Permitted date-time formats

    The following formats are permitted for representing datetimes in queries:

    • yyyy-mm-dd

    • yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm

    • yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

    • yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff

    Regardless of the representation in the query, datetimes are always padded to millisecond precision when stored.

More value types will be added in future updates.


Write a query to define seven new attribute types:

  • Integer attribute types year and score.

  • Float attribute type discount.

  • String attribute types code and street.

  • Datetime attribute types start-timestamp and end-timestamp

Sample solution
year sub attribute, value long;
score sub attribute, value long;
discount sub attribute, value double;
code sub attribute, value string;
street sub attribute, value string;
start-timestamp sub attribute, value datetime;
end-timestamp sub attribute, value datetime;

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With attribute types defined, we can now declare which types own which attributes.

user owns name,
    owns birth-date;
contributor owns name;
promotion owns name;
review owns verified;
order-line owns quantity,
    owns price;

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When used in a Define query, the owns keyword defines a new attribute owner (i.e. a new implementer of an ownership interface). The syntax is the same for declaring entity types (like user) and relation types (like order-line) as owners.


Write a query to define seven new ownerships:

  • address owning street.

  • publication owning year.

  • review owning score.

  • promotion owning code, start-timestamp, and end-timestamp.

  • promotion-inclusion owning discount.

Sample solution
address owns street;
publication owns year;
review owns score;
promotion owns code,
    owns start-timestamp,
    owns end-timestamp;
promotion-inclusion owns discount;

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Write a query to define:

  • A new entity type login, with ownership of a new boolean attribute type success.

  • A new relation type action-execution, with the following properties:

    • A role action played by login and the existing entity types order and review.

    • A role executor played by existing entity type user.

    • Ownership of a new datetime attribute type timestamp.

Sample solution
login sub entity,
    owns success,
    plays action-execution:action;
action-execution sub relation,
    relates action,
    relates executor,
    owns timestamp;
order plays action-execution:action;
review plays action-execution:action;
user plays action-execution:executor;
success sub attribute, value boolean;
timestamp sub attribute, value datetime;

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