TypeDB 3.0 is live! Get started for free.

TypeDB Community Edition


Connecting to TypeDB CE requires:

  • The address and port of the server - defaults are and 1729

  • A valid username and password - default credentials are admin and password

Connecting your client

  • Console

  • Studio

Run Console using the --core argument:

Connect to TypeDB Community Edition
typedb console --core=<server-address> --username=<username> --password

You will be prompted for a password.

The --core argument is used to set the TypeDB Community Edition server IP address and port to connect to, for example,

Run Studio and follow instructions below:

  1. Click Connect to TypeDB on the right side of the top toolbar.

  2. Make sure the TypeDB Core option is selected in the Server field.

  3. Enter the address and port of the server to connect to (e.g. localhost:1729).

  4. Fill in the Username and Password fields with valid user credentials.

  5. Click Connect.

Connecting your application

For programmatic access, use one of the TypeDB drivers via the network API:

  • Rust

  • Python

  • Java

  • Node.js

  • C#

  • C++

  • C

let uri = format!("{}:{}", address, port);
let driver = TypeDBDriver::new_core(
    Credentials::new(username, password),
    DriverOptions::new(false, None).unwrap(),
uri = f"{address}:{port}"
driver = TypeDB.core_driver(uri, Credentials(username, password), DriverOptions(False, None))
uri = String.format("%s:%s", address, port)
Driver driver = TypeDB.coreDriver(
        new Credentials(username, password),
        new DriverOptions(false, null)
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Coming soon.