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Keyword glossary

Schema queries


Denotes the beginning of a Define query, used to add new types, constraints, or functions to the schema.


Denotes the beginning of a Undefine query, used to remove existing types, constraints, or functions from the schema.


Denotes the beginning of a Redefine query, used to modify existing types, constraints, or functions in the schema.

Data pipeline stages

Data manipulation stages


Denotes the beginning of a Match stage in a data pipeline, sed to match existing data instances in the database.


Denotes the beginning of a Fetch stage in a data pipeline, used to format the output of a data pipeline into JSON.


Denotes the beginning of an Insert stage in a data pipeline, used to add new data instances into the database.


Denotes the beginning of a Delete stage in a data pipeline, used to remove existing data instances from the database.


Denotes the beginning of an Update stage in a data pipeline, used to modify existing data instances in the database.


Denotes the beginning of a Put stage in a data pipeline, used to add new data instances to the database if they do not already exist.

Stream manipulation stages


Denotes the beginning of a Select operator in a data pipeline, used to keep specified variables for each element of the data stream and remove the rest.


Denotes the beginning of a Require stage in a data pipeline, used to remove elements from the data stream that do not contain specified optional variables.


Denotes the beginning of a Sort operator in a data pipeline, used to order the elements of the data stream based on the value of specified variables.


Denotes the beginning of a Limit operator in a data pipeline, used to keep a specified number of elements of the data stream and remove the rest.


Denotes the beginning of an Offset operator in a data pipeline, used to remove a specified number of elements from the data stream.


Denotes the beginning of a Reduce operator in a data pipeline, used to perform reduction operations on the data stream according to specified groupings.

Special stages


Denotes the beginning of a With stage in a data pipeline, used to define functions on an ad-hoc basis for use in the data pipeline.

Pattern logic


Constructs a disjunction in a query pattern.


Constructs a negation in a query pattern.


Constructs an optional in a query pattern.


Type definition statements


Constructs an entity statement, used to define a new entity type.


Constructs a relation statement, used to define a new relation type.


Constructs an attribute statement, used to define a new attribute type.


Constructs a struct statement, used to define a new struct type.


Constructs a fun statement, used to to define a new function.

Constraint definition statements

sub / sub!

Constructs a sub statement, used to define the supertype of a type.

relates / relates …​ as

Constructs a relates statement, used to define a new role for a relation type.


Constructs a plays statement, used to define a new role player for a role.


Constructs a value statement, used to define the value type of an attribute type.


Constructs an owns statement, used to define a new owner of an attribute type.


Constructs an alias statement, used to define an alias label for a type.

Instance statements

isa / isa!

Constructs an isa statement, used to specify the type of a data instance.


Constructs a links statement, used to specify the role players in a relation.


Constructs a has statement, used to specify an attribute of an entity or relation.


Constructs an is statement, used to specify that two variables represent the same data instance.

let …​ =

Constructs a let …​ = statement, used to assign the result of an expression to a variable.

let …​ in

Constructs a let …​ in statement, used to assign a stream or list element to a variable.


Constructs a contains statement, used to specify that a stream or list contains a data instance, or that a string contains a specified substring.


Constructs a like statement, used to specify that a string matches a specified regex pattern.

Identity statements


Constructs a label statement, used to identify a type by its label.


Constructs an iid statement, used to identify a data instance by its internal ID.


Cardinality constraints


Describes a @card annotation, used to specify cardinality ranges for roles and ownerships.


Describes a @cascade annotation, used to specify behaviour when deleting a relation’s role players.


Describes an @independent annotation, used to prevent attributes without owners from being deleted automatically.

Modality constraints


Describes an @abstract annotation, used to specify that a type or role is abstract.


Describes a @key annotation, used to specify key attributes for entities and relations.


Describes a @subkey annotation, used to specify composite keys built from multiple attributes.


Describes a @unique annotation, used to specify unique attributes for entities and relations.

Value constraints


Describes a @values annotation, used to specify a set of permitted values for attributes.


Describes a @range annotation, used to specify a range of permitted values for attributes.


Describes a @regex annotation, used to specify a regex pattern for permitted values of attributes.


Describes a @distinct annotation, used to restrict an owned list of attributes to distinct values.



Reduces the stream to a boolean value, indicating whether it contains any elements. See Reduce operator for more information.


Reduces the stream to the first occurrence of a specified variable. See Reduce operator for more information.


Reduces the stream to the number of occurrences of a specified variable. See Reduce operator for more information.


Reduces the stream to the maximum value of a specified variable. See Reduce operator for more information.


Reduces the stream to the minimum value of a specified variable. See Reduce operator for more information.


Reduces the stream to the arithmetic mean of a specified variable. See Reduce operator for more information.


Reduces the stream to the median of a specified variable. See Reduce operator for more information.


Reduces the stream to the (population) standard deviation of a given variable. See Reduce operator for more information.


Reduces the stream to the sum over a specified variable. See Reduce operator for more information.


Reduces the stream to a list of occurrences of a specified variable. See Reduce operator for more information.

Value types


Declares the values of an attribute type to be booleans. See Value types for more information.


Declares the values of an attribute type to be 64-bit signed integers. See Value types for more information.


Declares the values of an attribute type to be 64-bit floating point numbers. See Value types for more information.


Declares the values of an attribute type to be decimals, comprising a 64-bit signed integer component and 64-bit unsigned component representing up to 19 decimal places. See Value types for more information.


Declares the values of an attribute type to be nanosecond-precision ISO timestamps with timezones. See Value types for more information.


Declares the values of an attribute type to be nanosecond-precision ISO timestamps without timezones. See Value types for more information.


Declares the values of an attribute type to be ISO dates. See Value types for more information.


Declares the values of an attribute type to be ISO durations. See Value types for more information.


Declares the values of an attribute type to be variable length UTF-8 encoded strings. See Value types for more information.

Built-in functions


Rounding function, returns the provided numeric argument rounded to the nearest integer. See Operators for more information.


Ceiling function, returns the provided numeric argument rounded to the nearest greater integer. See Operators for more information.


Floor function, returns the provided numeric argument rounded to the nearest lesser integer. See Operators for more information.


Modulus function, returns the absolute value of the provided numeric argument. See Operators for more information.


Length function, returns the length of the provided list argument. See Operators for more information.


Minimum function, returns the minimum value of the provided list argument. See Operators for more information.


Maximum function, returns the maximum value of the provided list argument. See Operators for more information.



Represents the boolean literal "true".


Represents the boolean literal "false".



Used to specify ascending order for Sort stages in data pipelines.


Used to specify descending order for Sort stages in data pipelines.


Denotes the return signature of a function. See Writing functions for more information.


Used to remove ownership of attributes and players of roles in Delete stages of data pipelines.


Used to remove traits, role specialisation, and annotations in Undefine queries.


Used to access stream or list elements. See let …​ in statement for more information.


Used to specialise a role. See relates statement for more information.