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@regex annotation

The @regex annotation is used to specify a regex pattern for permitted values of attributes.


Value annotation syntax
<type label> value <value type> @regex("<regular expression>");
Ownership annotation syntax
<type label> owns <attribute type label> @regex("<regular expression>");

The @regex annotation can be defined for either an attribute type’s value type or an ownership.

The @range annotation accepts a single string argument containing a regular expression.


The @regex annotation adds a constraint on values of attributes of a given attribute type to be valid strings according to the regular expression.

When defined for an attribute type’s value type, the annotation creates a constraint for any attribute of this attribute type.

  attribute email value string @regex("^.*@\w+\.\w+$");

When defined for an ownership, the annotation creates a constraint for any attribute of this attribute type owned by the owner type. In the following example, an instance of the phone type can contain any string value, but a user can have (has) only the phone s with the suitable values.

  entity user owns phone @regex("^\d{10,15}$");
  attribute phone value string;


The regex constraint put on an attribute types' value type is inherited. This means that values of all subtypes of a constrained type are also constrained, and this constraint cannot be relaxed from the subtypes.

A subtype can introduce another regex constraint to combine it with the inherited one and create a subset of allowed values based on the intersection of the specified regular expressions.

Subtyping for ownerships

The regex constraint put on an ownership should be respected by all the sub attribute types owned by this owner. This way, any instance of any subtype of the phone owned by any instance of any subtype of the user should comply to the defined regex.

Ownerships of these subtypes can have their own regex constraints, and they will be respected similarly down the inheritance line.


Is only compatible with string value type.