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@card annotation

The @card annotation is used to specify cardinality ranges for roles and ownerships.


Range Argument Syntax
<type label> <trait> <type label 2> @card(N..M);
<type label> <trait> <type label 2> @card(N..);
Single Scalar Argument Syntax
<type label> <trait> <type label 2> @card(N);

The @card annotation can be defined for any <trait> of: owns, relates, or plays.

It accepts either a range argument or a single scalar argument. Arguments must be integers.

  • A partially unbounded range N.. has an infinite upper bound.

  • The minimal lower bound is 0 and must be explicitly specified (e.g., use 0..M instead of ..M).

  • A single scalar argument N is shorthand for N..N and means "exactly N".


Every trait has a default cardinality constraint, accessible in Default trait cardinalities.

When defined, the @card annotation overrides the default cardinality with the specified arguments.

The cardinality constraint regulates the number of data instances that can appear in a specific context (like owning an attribute). For example, the following definition specifies that an instance of the page type must have at least one and no more than three `name`s:

  entity page owns name @card(1..3);

At the same time, the page type can play the posting:page role an unlimited number of times:

  page plays posting:page @card(0..);

However, an instance of the posting relation type can have up to a thousand page instances:

  relation posting relates page @card(0..1000);


Similarly to inherited type constraints, trait constraints also affect subtypes from both sides. For example, the following query defines that:

  • A page instance must have between 1 and 3 names.

  • A profile instance (subtype of page) inherits the same constraint and must have between 1 and 3 names.

  • A user instance can own exactly 1 first name and up to 2 surnames (first-name and surname are subtypes of name).

  entity page owns name @card(1..3);
  entity profile sub page;
  entity user sub profile,
    owns first-name @card(1),
    owns surname @card(0..);
  attribute name @abstract, value string;
  attribute first-name sub name;
  attribute surname sub name;

Valid statements based on this schema include:

  • It is impossible to insert a page, profile, or user without a name.

  • It is impossible to insert a page or profile because they do not own non-abstract names.

  • A user instance can be inserted with just a first name.

  • A user instance cannot have more than two surnames.


Cannot be used with the @key annotation as they both produce cardinality constraints.


Default trait cardinalities

The following cardinality constraints are set for traits by default if no @card annotations are declared:

Table 1. Default Trait Cardinalities







