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Updating passwords

To update a user’s password, connect to TypeDB and follow the steps below:

  • Console

  • Studio

Run the following command:

user password-update <username>

Where <username> is the name of the user.

Coming soon.

To update a user’s password programmatically:

  • Rust

  • Python

  • Java

  • Node.js

  • C#

  • C++

  • C

let user = driver.users().get("<username>").await?;
let result = user.update_password("<password>").await;

Where driver is an instance of a driver, connected to TypeDB, and "<username>" is the name of the user.


Where driver is an instance of a driver, connected to TypeDB, and "<username>" is the name of the user.


Where driver is an instance of a driver, connected to TypeDB, and "<username>" is the name of the user.

Coming soon.