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Schema modeling

This page covers the most important aspects of TypeDB schemas.


In TypeDB, data is stored in types. There are three kinds of types that exhibit three different, fundamental behaviors of data:

  1. Entity types store data instances (simply called entities) that can be inserted independently of any other data. For example, a new user entity may be created at any point.

  2. Relation types store data instances (simply called relations) that reference, and thereby connect, other data instance (called role players in a relation). For example, a new friendship relation may be created only with reference to, say, two users acting as friends in that relation.

  3. Attribute types store data instances (simply called attributes) that are associated with a literal value (e.g., a string, integer, etc.). Attributes, by default, also must reference a single data instance (called the owner) unless the type is annotated as “independent”.

Data instances in TypeDB adhere to the common programming principle that “references cannot outlive the data that they point to”:

  • Relations will be removed if their role players are removed (more precisely, if the number of role players falls below what is allowed by the schema).

  • Attributes will be removed if their owners are removed (expect the case of independent attributes mentioned above).

The logical dependency of data is a guiding principle in TypeDB schema design. However, there are various means of modifying it (e.g., by allowing attributes to be independent, or by enforcing attributes and relations to act as “keys” for other data).

For the curious reader: there is no concept of an “independent” relation as this is, in essence, the concept of an entity.

See the data model reference for a technical overview of TypeDB’s data model.

Type traits

Role player traits

Relations organize their set of role players by so-called role types (also simply called “roles”): each role player is of a specific role type. But which types of data instances are allowed in the roles of a relation?

  • We can specify that a type has a player trait (for a specific role of a relation type) in the schema. For example,

    Specify that users can act as friends
    define user plays friendship:friend;

    which literally means that users can act as friends in friendship relations.

Ownership traits

We can similarly ask for attributes: which data instances can act as owners of attributes of a given type?

  • We can specify that a type has an owner trait (for a specific attributes) in the schema. For example,

    Specify that users can act as username owners
    define user owns username;

    which literally means that users can act as owners of username attributes.

It is important to highlight that multiple different types can have the same trait. For example, both users and bots could plays the role of friends and/or own usernames.

In terms of programming principles, you can understand having traits as database analog of implementing traits: like types, traits organize data instances into subcollections; unlike types, you cannot directly instantiate a trait.

Only object types have traits

Not all types kinds are created equal:

  • Entity and relations types (together also referred to as object types) can have traits.

  • Attribute types are considered mere association of values to objects: they cannot have traits

Subtyping and inheritance

A key ingredient of any modern type system is subtyping, i.e., the ability to cast instances from one type into another. Subtyping is a key feature of schema modeling in TypeDB: it allows us to specialize and hierarchically organize types and their data instance. For example,

Create an entity type admin as a subtype of user
define entity admin sub user;

Subtyping behaves exactly as expected:

  • If we were to query for user instances, we would also find all admin instances

  • If we were to query for admin instance, we would not find those users that are not admins.

Subtyping hierarchies in TypeDB are “single-inheritance”, i.e., every type has a single direct supertype. This choice simplifies data models and avoids the diamond problem.

To model “non-tree-like” hierarchies you can exploit the trait system of TypeDB.

An important aspect of subtyping is the inheritance of traits. In general, all traits of the supertype are inherited by the subtype. However, further traits may be specified for the subtype that are not shared with the supertype. For example,

define admin owns access-level;

There are ways to hide supertype traits from subtypes, by setting these traits to be abstract (coming soon).