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Reduce operator



reduce <var> = <operator> [( <var> )] [ , ... ];

TypeQL supports the following reduce operators:

  • count — total number of answers, or, when used with a variable, number of distinct values of the variable,

  • max — the maximum value of the variable,

  • min — the minimum value of the variable,

  • mean — the arithmetic mean of the values of the variable,

  • median — the median value of the variable,

  • std — the sample standard deviation of the values of the variable,

  • sum — the sum of the values of the variable.


Count the number of logins since <datetime>:

  $user isa user, has last-login >= <datetime>;
reduce $logins = count;

Get disk usage statistics of the files:

  $file isa file, has size-kb $s;
reduce $total = sum($s), $mean = mean($s), $max = max($s);


When groupby is used within a reduce, the answer stream is subdivided into groups based on the value of the grouping variable. The reduction is then performed separately within each such group. The output of a reduce with groupby is a stream of rows, one for each value of the grouping variable.


reduce <var> = <operator> [( <var> )] [ , ... ] groupby <var>;


Get the number of users per country:

  $user isa user;
  located($user, $place);
    $country isa country;
    $place is $country;
  } or {
    located($place, $country);
    $country isa country;
reduce $logins = count;